
Humans of Berkeley – Sarah Grill

Written by Sarah Grill

20 December 2023


When I first immersed myself in the world of German literature during my university days, little did I know that my career path would take a turn towards the exhilarating world of Public Relations (PR). As someone who always believed in the magic of words and narratives, my journey began in the serene corridors of a book publishing house, working in the editorial department. It was there, amidst the pages of compelling stories, that I stumbled upon the realm of PR – a field where storytelling takes a strategic turn.

The Leap: Embarking on a PR Adventure

Transitioning from the literary world to a bustling PR agency as a Trainee, the shift was both daunting and invigorating. The world of PR presented a new canvas where I could blend my passion for storytelling with strategic communication. It was a leap of faith, leaving the familiar behind and diving into a domain where every day promised new learning opportunities.

Growth and Evolution in a Rising Agency

So, seven years ago, I joined a small but ambitious PR agency, a close-knit team of five visionaries. Today, as a Senior Account Director, I stand amidst a family of twenty dedicated professionals. The growth of our agency mirrors my own personal and professional evolution.

In this agency, every project is a journey, and every campaign is a new adventure. We’ve grown from handling local clients to managing international accounts, expanding our horizons and skill sets with each challenge. This evolution has been a testament to our commitment to adapt, learn, and excel.

A Personal Touch

My life journey hasn’t been all about work, though. Growing up, I was passionate about figure skating, gliding on ice with dreams as big as my jumps. This early experience taught me the art of balance and grace under pressure, skills that have immensely benefitted me in my PR career.

When not strategizing for clients, I indulge in my love for food – a gourmet at heart, always eager to explore new culinary adventures. My zest for life extends to attending music festivals, where I immerse myself in the energy of music and crowds, a contrast to the world of International PR.

And then, there’s the quieter side of life at home with my two beloved chinchillas. Their playful antics are a constant source of joy and remind me that life, much like PR, is about finding joy in the unexpected.

Lessons Learned and the Road Ahead

In my seven years as a PR professional, I’ve learned that this field is not just about crafting messages or managing reputations; it’s about building relationships and storytelling that resonates. It’s a dynamic, ever-evolving field that requires one to be on their toes, ready to embrace change.

Looking ahead, I am excited to continue this journey, armed with experiences, stories, and a team that’s more like a family. The world of PR is fast-paced, challenging, and deeply fulfilling. It’s a path I never expected to take, but now, I can’t imagine being anywhere else.

So, here’s to more stories, more challenges, and more adventures in the world of Public Relations!


PS: What´s missing in the text above and was difficult to weave in is my passion for technology and everything that comes with it. From software to hardware and smart gadgets – I´m in, I want to try. So, my latest buy is a smart ring that tracks my vitals, which I can also pay as it comes with NFC.

I´m also experimenting with AI such as ChatGPT. While one or another already wondered about my perfect English skills above (reminder: I´m German), the other might have wondered about the different font types starting with the “PS”. So guess what – the blog post above was written by AI, of course, everything of it is true – I just fed it with my personal experiences and dreams.

Does this mean all my content pieces are written by AI? No! Does it mean that we at Berkeley want to get rid of employees and replace them with AI? Also, a big NO, but AI can support our team members. Humans are a crucial part of the Berkeley family. But as for the blog post, I rather have spent the time consulting and building relationships than writing a blog post. 

About Sarah

  • Who’s your favourite storyteller? Simon Beckett
  • What would you sing at a karaoke night? Disclaimer: I´m not a good singer but I do love karaoke, always in for some Britney Spear or Backstreetboys bangers
  • What’s the most used app on your phone? Probably Instagram