
Top Tip: Don’t tell, relate

Written by Chris Hewitt – Chief Storyteller

21 October 2022


Our brains aren’t wired for white papers, they’re wired for stories.

When you use storytelling to carry your message, the audience interprets your story as an immersive experience, particularly if they are learning from it.

When it’s done well, you become more relatable and more likely to influence behaviour.

There are three essential ingredients to a compelling business story;

  • Relatability. Does the reader see themselves in your story?
  • Tension. Does the central character have the same problem as they do?
  • Resolution. How was adversity overcome?

No-one cares how many offices you have, what your revenues are, or how many people you employ. Maybe later in the sales cycle. But not now.

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.”

Thank you Benjamin Franklin.