
DMEXCO 23, AI and more AI

Written by Caroline James

27 September 2023


I attended DMEXCO in Cologne last week, my first visit since the pandemic. It seemed smaller and had more of a DACH-centric vibe compared to previous years. However, all the players, including Google, Taboola, Sprinklr, were present and there was great buzz going on.  I was there to prospect and meet clients and explore the best MarTech available for the agency.

Before any event’s first day, I planned which speaker sessions to attend around my scheduled meetings. The usual options were there: Centre Stage, Tech, Start-up, Masterclasses, etc. as you can imagine AI was a theme in many sessions. I’ve been to several AI talks this year, as I need to ensure we are using the right tools to boost our business.

Out of the five sessions I attended, three had an AI focus and were packed to the point of standing room only. The others were about two-thirds full. While there were some intriguing statistics shared, the advice and practical application remained consistent. Whether it’s for analysing engagement, social listening, insights, or using generative AI tools to understand our business landscape in real-time, the emphasis remains on AI supporting our jobs. It provides prompts, context, and tone of voice, and gives insights about competitors and market trends.

However, the persistent focus on AI reminds me of the years when everyone only talked about 5G or Blockchain. It feels like we’re shoehorning these buzzwords and technologies into everything. While investment in this area is evident, the constant emphasis can be overwhelming. Sometimes I feel a bit of “AI fatigue”.

We need to be in the know however can’t let it sidetrack us. Too much distraction will affect our targets and workflow. We should focus on our main goals. Many of us use machine learning daily without even realising it.

By the way, an interesting statistic from the show was that 70% of us prefer a chatbot for simple questions, as reported by Adweek. It’s a reminder that for basic queries like opening hours or flight routes, there’s no need for human interaction.